TANGOS : de Gardel à Piazzolla
Ce spectacle met en valeur deux figures indissociables de l’histoire du tango : Gardel et Piazzolla. Leurs contributions aux assises puis à la modernisation de cette tradition centenaire internationale sont exceptionnelles. Larrea présente une vision dynamique de leurs oeuvres et celles de leurs pairs. Il enlace autant l’expression authentique du tango traditionnel que l’actualité palpable du tango contemporain.
Gardel et Piazzolla : le talent et la passion pour servir l’immense beauté du TANGO.
Sensual Spanish Accent Arrives by Way of Quebec
« … Led by Mr. Larrea on bandoneón, the musicians consistently played up the wit and teased out the more ambiguous elements of their material, with the singer Verónica Larc joining them every few songs for an extra infusion of earthy sensuality. (…) The musicians' feeling and respect was woven into every note, while the pianist Louise-Andrée Baril was a particularly delightful presence. »
« … The dancing, meanwhile, built much of its erotic charge through restraint. This is, after all, an art in which two steps forward and one step back isn't progress but foreplay. The most severe and fiery of the three couples were Leah Barsky and Carlos Cañedo. (Who knew the man could smile till the final curtain call?) Their legs sliced wickedly through turns and kicks like whirring blades, and they maintained gorgeous control while plunging into deep, aggressive lunges. »
Claudia La Rocco, New York Times, USA
Photos: Archives Ensemble Romulo Larrea, Jean Laramée/Le Courrier du Sud, Marcel Dubois.